Industrial Imaging Solutions (408) 474-0877

Product Solutions


Industrial Imaging Solutions is proud to provide product solutions manufactured in the United States. X-ray controllers, generators and heat exchangers are not only assembled and tested in the USA but the majority of the components come from the USA as well. This is a critical component in meeting immediate customer needs and gaining quick access to equipment and providing support in service and repair situations.

Stand Alone X-Ray Systems

The Polaris system is availed in 180 kV and 250 kV unipolar configurations as well as 350 kV and 500 kV bipolar configurations. If you do not know what size tube you need one of our Level III Engineers will help you match the focal spot and power requirements to your application. For a list of our most popular x-ray tubes configurations see the tube selection chart in the replacement tube section.



We also have chosen to offer the Polaris system Controllers because it offers several technical advantages that include:

  • Best Warranty in the industry.
  • Siemens construction.
  • Robust, industrial-grade graphical user interface.
  • Long-life LED lamps – no bulbs to burn out or change.
  • Flags and faults presented in easily understood text format – no numbers to decipher.
  • Event log maintains history of fault codes.
  • “Tube-Safe™” feature shuts down system when preset number of tube arcs are sensed.
  • Up to 2500 memory locations for stored techniques.
  • On-board auxiliary tube-temperature sensor (optional)
  • Remote Communications – system can be diagnosed and adjusted remotely (optional)

The Polaris Generators offer several additional advantages:

  • Proven Industrial-strength reliability.
  • Polaris bipolar generators employ an exclusive dual inverter system.
  • Consume 30% less power than other system.
  • Superior fault detection and logging.
  • Polaris generators are manufactured in the USA.
  • Off the shelf availability in the United States.

Replacement X-Ray Tubes and Cables

Industrial Imaging Solutions carries several options in tube an cable replacements including specialty products like Linear Accelerators. Please refer to the list to the right for our list of replacement parts. Our turnaround time for special orders is typically 48 hours or less.

This is a partial list of available tubes. If you do not see the tube configuration you need or would like one of our Level III engineers help you select the best tube for your needs, feel free to contact us.

x-ray tubes



Normal kV P/N Focal Spot (EN 12543) Focal Spot (IEC 336) Wattage
160 160-20 1.0 / 1.0 mm 0.4 / 0.4 640/640
160 160HP 1.0 / 2.3 mm 0.4 / 1.0 800/1800
160 160-510 0.5 / 1.0 mm 0.2 / 0.4 450/900
225 225-01 0.5 0.2 320
225 22-21 1.0 / 3.0 mm 0.4 / 1.5 640/1600
225 225-22 1.0 / 5.5 mm 0.4 / 3.0 640/3000
225 225-510 0.5 / 1.0 mm 0.2 / 0.4 450/900
320 320-23 1.9 / 3.6 mm 0.8 / 1.8 640/1600
320 320-26 3.0 / 5.5 mm 1500/4200
350 350-23 1.9 / 3.6 mm 0.8 / 1.8 640/1600
350 350-26 3.0 / 5.5 mm 1500/4200
420 430-25 3.0 / 7.0 mm 1.5 / 4.0 1500/4200
450 450-13 1.9 / 3.6 mm 0.8 / 1.8 900/2250
450 451-1 3.0 / 6.3 mm 1.5 / 4.5 1500/4500
450 451-26 2.5 / 5.5 mm 1.5 / 4.0 1500/4500
450 45-/HP11 0.6 / 1.0 mm 0.3 / 0.5 800/1500

Portable X-Ray Tubes and Controllers

We carry a wide range of portable x-ray tube/Generators for the NDT, Security and EOD market. Our range of of portables includes: hand held 120 and 160 kV battery operated mini focus units, 180 to 360 kV conventional portables, pulsed battery operate portables ranging from 130 kV to 270 kV, and portable 1 MeV accelerators.

The light-weight hand-held pulsed portable units are commonly used by the Emergency Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams and law enforcement professionals. Pulsed sources work best with conventional film and CR technology.

Constant potential hand held portables provide superior images where the application requires the source be small and portable. These units work well with a wide range of digital and real time imaging technology. They can also be equipped with a wide range of accessories including crawlers and lazier pointers.

All of our portables can be configured with safety lights and alarm horns

Flat Panel Detectors (DR)

Flat Panel Detectors for Digital Radiography (DR) have gained popularity in the last few years. Flat Panel detectors are currently used on a range of systems from high energy systems (25 MeV) to microfocus (sub micron imaging systems). Current technological developments have resulted from the adoption of Flat Panel technology in advanced specialized medical equipment such as Accuray’sCyberKnife Treatment Planning system andVarian’s advanced 3D imaging and radiation therapy equipment.

Flat Panel Detectors are slowly replacing image intensifiers in today industrial and medical equipment. Flat Panel detector offer several advantage over image intensifiers including:

  • Lower signal to noise ratio.
  • No pin cushion distortion.
  • Adjustable Frame rate.
  • Scintillator optimization.
  • Wider dynamic range.
  • Improved spatial resolution

Proper scintillator selection is very important for optimal Flat Panel performance. Scintillator’s can improve the gain, photon capture at high kV (MeV range), spatial resolution. There are also specialized scintillator for neutron radiography. Contact one of our level III engineers to discuss your scintillator needs. IIS will will work with you to provide a customized Flat Panel detector for optimal high energy, neutron or modified system that meets your specific needs.

If you are interested in converting your existing real time system (Image Intensifier based system) to a digital system, the team at IIS can help you make the conversion.

Computed Radiography (CR)

Computed Radiography technology employs Imaging plates (Phosphor plates), which, similar to classic X-Ray film, when irradiated, store a latent radiographic image for an unspecified period of time. The image plate is then inserted into a specialized scanner. A laser beam scans the imaging plate with a pre-selected scanning resolution to digitize the latent image, before it is sent to a high resolution computer for post processing. After the scan, it is possible to erase the latent mage. This is done with an integrated unit. This plate can then be rescued to create another image.

Computed Radiography (CR) is rapidly displacing x-ray film use in the medical and industrial markets. This rapid replacement of film is driven by the inherent advantages of CR technology.


  • CR technology is a green replacement for film.
  • CR technology does not utilize hazards chemicals/materials.
  • Imaging plates are reusable (no consumable).
  • Return on investment (ROI) is very good.
  • Image quality is comparable to film
  • Dynamic range is superior to that of film
  • Flaw detection is as good better than film
  • CR technology is more time efficient than traditional film
  • Industry standards are now in place for CR replacement of film
  • CR imaging plates have a superior dynamic range when compared to conventional films, resulting in exposure times that are only 10% of the equivalent exposure time for AGFA D7 film
  • Dark Room no longer required. CR plates can be handled in indirect light.
  • Industry leading technology from Fuji and AllPro.

US Air Force commissioned ARInc to investigate the replacement of x-ray film with CR. The resulting paper compares defect detection and the cost of using CR vs film. To download the Air Force research white paper follow this link replacing film with CR.

Not to be outdone the US Navy also documented their finding on converting to CR. To download a copy of the Navy presentation follow this link to CR in the Pacific Northwest

This white paper is an interesting article on the use of CR in restoring paintings.

This paper was written for medical radiographers however it is a very good discussion on basic CR principles

This is one of the better presentations on industrial radiography adoption of CR by Dr. U. Zscherpel / BAM Berlin.

CR is the digital imaging process that is nearly a plug and play replacement for x-ray film and like film you can need to select the CR system that best meets the needs of your application. IIS will work with you to help you select the ideal CR system.

Ultra High Resolution

This is our ultra high resolution CR scanner with spatial resolution grater than twenty line pars per mm (>20 lp/mm). To obtain this high resolution, the scanner needs special High Resolution Phosphor Storage Plate (PSP). Using a standard PSP yields a resolution comparable to the NDT unit shown above. It is designed to work with Phosphor Storage Plate (PSP) in all common film sizes, up to fourteen inches wide. It also works with custom sized plates (i.e. 2 x 72 inch) plates for panoramic weld inspection. This unit is normally configured with a desktop work station and a high resolution high contrast twenty one inch LCD display, but can be adapted to other specifications.

CR Emergency Response (EOD) Unit

This rugged and durable portable unit is ideal for field use. The system can handle Phosphor Storage Plates (PSP) in all common film sizes up to twelve inches wide as well as customized PSP. For field use it is configured with a Panasonic Toughbook computer and the IIS Iview software. This scanner works equally well for low output pulsed sources like the Golden Engineering unit or with isotope sources.

CR Non Destructive Test (NDT) High Contrast

This scanner most popular with our NDT customers. It works well with all types of sources including: microfocus, linear accelerators and isotope. It is designed to work with Phosphor Storage Plate (PSP) in all common film sizes, up to fourteen inches wide. It also works with custom sized plates (i.e. 2 x 72 inch) plates for panoramic weld inspection. This unit is normally configured with a desktop work station and a high resolution high contrast twenty-one inch LCD display, but can be adapted to other specifications.

Linear Diode Arrays

Linear Diode Arrays (LDA) are one of the older and most widely used digital imagers. LDA’s are utilize a a scintillator directly coupled to a photo diode to convert the x-rays into an electronic signal. This direct couple configuration allow for collimating of each pixel. The columniation of each pixel allows for thicker scintillator with out getting scintillator blur. With thicker scintillator these imagers become ideal for high speed imaging and low dose applications. This is why LDA images are commonly used in conveyer fed imaging systems. The collimated pixels with thick scintillator are the imager of choice for CT and Cargo inspection system. as the provide superior signal to noise ratio.


  • High speed imaging, No blur at high speed
  • Significantly higher frame rates that allow for higher speed part manipulation
  • Inherent noise rejection, superior signal to noise ratio
  • High dynamic range (larger denser parts)
  • Custom sizes and resolutions are cost effectively built.
  • Thicker scintillators for high energy applications.